Member Directory

Welcome to our online member directory portal!

Our online directory is a simple and secure resource you can use anytime, anywhere on your computer, smartphone, or tablet.  If this is your first time visiting this page, click the red button below for simple step-by-step instructions on how to set up your login.  

Once you login, you’ll be able to see invaluable information about our FBC families.  You’ll also be able to submit updates to your own information (and family member information) anytime, including your photo and contact details.

After you create your login, you can use the handy button links in the box below to download the app for your Apple or Android smartphone.  Carry our church directory wherever you go, right on your phone!

Viewing this webpage on a mobile device?

If you are currently viewing this webpage on your smartphone or mobile device, click or tap the appropriate button below to be taken directly to the download link for the Instant Church Directory app in the the app store for your device.  Sign in using the login you previously created.

Directory FAQs and Helpful Links

If you are having trouble accessing our directory or want to know more about it, most likely you can find the answer below.  If you are unable to find an answer to your question, you may click here for assistance.

I need help creating my password and logging in for the first time.

Detailed instructions for creating a password and logging in for the first time are available here.

I need detailed help to install the app on my smartphone.

Click here for step-by-step instructions on how to download and install the app on your iPhone or Android smartphone

What if I forgot my password?

To reset your password, click here for detailed instructions.

How do I update my information and photo in the directory?

You can submit edits for your directory information and/or photo anytime by logging into the directory (through the app or through a web browser) and clicking on Edit My Family from the main menu.  Make any changes or edits you wish and be sure to click the Submit Edits button when you are finished.  Your submission will be reviewed by our Church Directory Administrator before being added to the directory.

Is my personal information secure?

We take the security and privacy of your personal information seriously and take steps to ensure it is protected.  Click here to read the Privacy Policy.

Sign Up for Text Alerts from FBC

This service will be used mainly in case of emergencies or short-notice changes to location and times of events, especially those due to inclement weather.  You may also receive reminders for very special events at First Baptist Church.  To join, click the button below.

Contact us

722 Grace Street
Greenwood, SC  29649
Phone: (864)229-5557
Fax (864)229-2561

Office Hours
