Cheerful Cherubs Preschool
722 Grace Street
Greenwood, SC 29649
(864) 229-2787
Claudia Burch, Director
Email Claudia
At Cheerful Cherubs Preschool, we believe in play. While we do spend developmentally appropriate time on structured learning, we are a play-based preschool.
2025 Calendar – March
March 3-7 Dr. Seuss/Read Across America
March 3 Crazy Hair and Crazy Socks
March 4 Favorite Color
March 5 Wacky Wednesday
March 6 College/Career Day
March 7 Pajama Day
March 17-21 Optional Week
March 24-28 Spring Break
Ms. Cherry/Ms. Kerry's Class
Ms. Jesi/Ms. Sarah's Class
Ms. Laurel/Ms. Maria's Class
Ms. Wendy/Ms. Jamie/Ms. Ana
Ms. Jennifer's Class
Ms. Gracie's Class
Ms. Anna's Class
Ms. Michelle's Class
Ms. Lynn's Class
The purpose of Cheerful Cherubs Preschool is to provide young children with a happy and well-rounded developmental experience in a loving and caring environment. Emphasis is placed on developing a positive self-image and learning to relate to other children and to adults. An additional objective is to foster readiness skills for later success in school. The teachers understand the serious nature of their responsibility and seek to help each child learn that he/she is a unique and important part of God’s world. It is policy of Cheerful Cherubs Preschool to be open to all children regardless of race, religion, or national origin.
Registration begins in January, beginning with presently-enrolled Cherubs and their siblings and First Baptist Church members. Enrollment is open to the public after two weeks.
Cheerful Cherubs Preschool helps to develop the TOTAL child in order that he/she may become a well-rounded individual. Teachers work to instill in each child an excitement for learning. Many different areas of interest are explored throughout the school year. A few of these are community helpers, self, seasons, holidays, and manners. Continual interest is also placed on concepts, including hand-eye coordination, large-small motor development, spatial relationships, visual-auditory perception, self-concept development, shapes, colors, letters, numbers, stories, songs, puzzles, and games.
Cheerful Cherubs Preschool uses a variety of resources for curriculum, including many resource books, an extensive library of children’s books, and a variety of educational websites. A variety of different activities are also used to support the concepts being taught. These include music, art, physical activities, social interaction, language art, math, science, cooking, reading, writing, field trips, and creative play. Each age group progresses and builds on concepts explored and learned from the previous year. Every day is filled with meaningful activity, lots of energy, and plenty of love and enthusiasm for learning.
Current curriculum guides are available to download, along with other helpful materials, for each class.
Music Classes — Monday
Library and Story time — Tuesday
Chapel — Wednesday
PE — Friday
8:15 am until 12:15 pm
Ages 1-4
9:00 am until 12:00 Noon — Early drop-off begins at 8:00 am
Cheerful Cherubs Manual
View the current Cheerful Cherubs Manual that contains important and useful information for parents.
Cheerful Cherubs Safety Policies
View the current Cheerful Cherubs Saftey Policies, which include important Covid-19 information for parents.
Register for the 2025-2026 School Year
Monthly Tuition for 2025-2026
An annual registration fee of $150 per child is due with your registration form.
There is a supply fee of $50 due in August.
- Meets Monday, Wednesday and Friday
- Available for 1 and 2-year olds only
- Meets Monday-Friday
- All 3-year old and 4-year old classes are 5 days only
- Available for 1, 2, 3 or 4-year olds
- Meets Monday-Friday
**Optional weeks will be available during the weeks that District 50
has remediation scheduled at a cost of $75 for the week.
A monthly tuition discount is available for families with 2 or more children
attending Cheerful Cherubs Preschool.
If you have 2 children, you may deduct $10 from the tuition of the second child. The first child pays the full tuition, and the second child receives a $10 discount.
If you have 3 or more children, you may deduct $15 from the monthly tuition of each child.
No discounts are available for the annual registration fee.
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